Kids’ Worship Service
Year A, Proper 9
July 3, 2011
I. Welcome!
a. Gathering – Children find a letter to sit on the gathering carpet. Recognize and welcome any visitors.
b. Opening Prayer –“Blessed Be God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. And blessed be his kingdom now and forever. Amen”
Children’s Collect for the Day
“Heavenly Father, we are here to worship and praise you. Open our hearts and minds so that we may hear your words spoken to us through the Bible story today. Give us strength that we may serve you through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen
II. Bible Lesson:
Theme: | Jesus will help you carry the load. - Proper 9 (14) |
Object: | Several items that are not too heavy - such as a brick or a ten pound dumbbell and an automobile jack. |
Scripture: | "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28 |
Lesson: How strong are you? Do you think you are pretty strong? How many of you think you could pick up this brick? How about a dumbbell like this one? Well, you must be pretty strong then. How many of you think you could pick up a car? Oh, you don't think you could pick up a car? Well, I think you could if you had some help. Here is something that would help you. It is an automobile jack. If you put this jack underneath the car and pump the handle, you can easily lift a car that weighs over 3,000 pounds! Yes, with the help of a jack, you can lift a car, but you couldn't do it alone, could you? Who knows what a burden is. Yes, a burden is something that is difficult for us to do or something we may be worried about. It’s hard to carry burdens, but, guess what? You don't have to carry them all by yourself! Let’s listen to what Jesus says in the Bible in the Gospel of Matthew: Jesus said, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest." There is no reason for you to struggle with burdens that are too heavy for you. God's Word is full of promises to help us in times of trouble. Here are just a few: "Don't be afraid, I am with you." (Gen.26:24) "I'll give you strength." (Psalm 28:7) "I'm with you in times of trouble." (Psalm 34:6) These words of encouragement are just what we need to face the hard times that may come our way. Does that mean that if we will ask him, God will take all of our troubles away? No, but he will help us. In fact, some of our struggles may help us to grow and become stronger. They may also help us to learn to trust in Jesus. But when the load is too heavy, he will help us to carry it -- and there is no burden that is too heavy for Jesus. Dear Father, we are thankful that when we struggle under the load of life's burdens, you are there to help us carry the load. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. |
III. Response Activity:
Who can tell me what this is? Yes, it is a rock! Tell me some things about a rock. They are hard, sometimes indestructible, and strong. We sometimes hear of Jesus being “our rock.” What does that mean? Yes, it means Jesus is strong and that we can always rely on him. Today we are going to paint a rock. This rock will be your special reminder that Jesus is your rock and that we can always turn to him to help us carry our heavy burdens.
IV. Closing Prayer and Benediction
a. “Our Father” Say the Our Father aloud and ask children to join in if they know the prayer.
b. Benediction: “Let us go in peace to love and serve the Lord. (all together) Thanks be to God.”
V. Return to Church services: Children line up behind the acolyte and follow silently to return to church.
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