
Wednesday, August 16, 2017

The Captain of the Storm

Children’s Chapel
August 20, 2017

Theme: The Captain of the Storm
Bible Reference: Matthew 8, Jesus Storybook Bible pp 236-242

·         Welcome: Welcome all and ask if we have any new friends. Introduce new friends.

·         Church Practice and Calendar:
We continue in the liturgical season of Ordinary Time. The cloth on our Children’s Chapel altar is green today which is the color we use during Ordinary Time.  Who would like to move the arrow on our liturgical calendar? (Allow one child to come up to the calendar to move the arrow forward one week.) The arrow is now pointing to the eleventh green square.  You will also notice that in big church the altar frontal, church dressings, and clergy stoles are green. (Light altar candles.) We light these candles to remind us that Christ is the light of the world. We also remember that God is always with us, that Jesus lives in our hearts and that we are inspired by the power of the Holy Spirit. Before we begin our Bible lesson today, let us pray.

·          Children’s Collect for August 20th:
Heavenly Father, you have given your only son Jesus who showed us how to love one another.  Give us grace to receive your blessings
and to daily follow the example of Jesus’ holy life.
In your holy name we pray, Amen.

·          Introduction: Last week during the Children’s Sermon Josh talked about what we can do when we are scared or if something is bothering us. Do you remember what he told you? (Allow answers.) You are right, Josh told us that we can pray to God. We know that God is always with us, but sometimes when something is so frightening we may forget. What are some things that have scared you? (Allow answers.) There are many scary things in the world, but Jesus promises that he is always with us. In today’s Bible story in the Gospel of Matthew, we will hear about a time when the disciples were scared and what happens. Let’s listen to the story form the “Jesus Storybook Bible.” (Older children may be invited to read sections of the story aloud.)

·          Bible Story: “The Jesus Storybook Bible” pages 236-242 (read aloud)

·        Response: In the Bible story we just listened to, the disciples became scared when a big storm began tossing their boat back and forth. They feared that their boat would sink. The disciples scurried back and forth on the boat trying to save themselves, forgetting that Jesus was right with them all the while. When they finally remembered that Jesus was with them, they were shocked as his calmness in face of the storm. But Jesus knew better and calmed the storms. All was peaceful one again. The disciples were amazed!
Just as the disciples faced the storm on the boat we all face storms. They may be scary thunder storms or storms of a different kind such as being sick, or being hurt by someone’s words, or failing at something we have tried so hard to do. We will all face storms many times in our life. The good news is that just as Jesus was with the disciples to calm the storm, Jesus is also always with each of us. We are not alone. We do not have to face the storms of life by ourselves and we do not have to overcome the storm by our own power. The good news too for all of us is that Jesus brings each of us peace and calm in the middle of each and every storm we face during our lives.

·         Closing Prayer:
Let us pray. Heavenly Father, we give thanks to you for the gift of your son Jesus who is always with us. Strengthen us as we trust in you and help us to remember that we are not alone when we are facing the storms of life. Give us peace and calm as we remember that Jesus calms the storms and is with us always.

·        Response Activity will be provided.

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